Infraworks Keygen 2022 xforce [Win10 64bit]

We just finished our keygen for the new Autodesk Infraworks 2021, another work made by our amazing guys. Its not tested in every sistem, so we’ll be very grateful to receive your feedback.

The crack works with the trial version. If you find any problems, please leave us a comment with your OS version.

Software Description & System requirements


Download infraworks-v1.3.5xf-win
(Windows 10 Version)
Zip pass:




Infraworks 2022 xforce Keygen
Version of Keygen: v1.3.5
Release Date: 6/26/2021
Compatible with:
Windows 10 (64b)
net framework 4.5 needed
Cracked by


What is Infraworks for?

Infraworks is a conceptual infrastructure and construction design software that allows professionals in the architecture, engineering and construction sectors to model, analyze and visualize the contents of a design within a realistic 3D environment that includes natural and built models. , improving decision making and project results.

BIM in Infrastructures

Infraworks is a BIM software and its use is vital for the optimization of the workflow in civil engineering projects.
BIM is a collaborative work methodology for the design and management of civil works projects that proposes the use of a single model that incorporates a large database, this allows the collaborative work of all those involved in the project and facilitates their participation to throughout its useful life; from the birth of the idea to the maintenance phase, going through the analysis of alternatives, detailed engineering, coordination and time and cost planning.

Infrastructure project workflows with Autodesk

Infraworks represents a milestone in the workflow in civil engineering projects, allowing the creation and analysis of design solutions in a 3D, parametric and interoperable environment. Its use covers different phases of the project:

Planning phase. Analysis of alternatives and decision making.

With this Autodesk Product, preliminary designs can be efficiently generated in a realistic 3D environment based on the information provided to the model (LIDAR, raster and vector data, WFS, WMS, etc.) and these designs can be evaluated based on the results obtained. In this way, data on earth movements, plots conditions, project pending, etc. could be obtained for each possible design, and start working on the most suitable design infrastructures.
Although decision-making is especially important in the initial phase of a project, information is used throughout the life of the project and that information will be available to all agents in each decision-making phase.

Infraworks adds concurrent engineering to the project workflow. Concurrent engineering is to be able to introduce different agents from early stages in decision-making to improve analysis capacity, and integrate decision-making throughout the design, construction and maintenance cycle. With this, communication times and waiting between those interested in the collaboration processes, request for information and approval of milestones are reduced. In Infraworks you can work directly in the cloud and share models, work in real time simultaneously with other users or share the model or part of the model with the client to integrate it into decision-making and validation of milestones.

Detailed engineering.

With Infraworks it is not possible to develop a detailed engineering construction project, it will be necessary to use other tools such as Civil 3D or Revit. From Infraworks, a model can be exported directly to Civil 3D for detailed engineering of corridors or grading. Infraworks also allows you to export models to Revit, where we can design building structures. Revit in turn will be able to interact directly with robot or Cype to calculate these structures. All these programs have a great parametric capacity, which allows agile change management. Once the workflow has been generated and the model created, if a change is required, it can be done in a simple and agile way.

infraworks xforce keygen
infraworks xforce keygen

Coordination of the model.

The information from all these platforms can be taken to a federated Navisworks model, where the project can be fully managed, guaranteeing coordination between all disciplines (structures, supply networks, sanitation networks, etc.).
Photorealistic presentation of the model.
Infraworks reappears in the final phase of the design, offering professional and photorealistic presentations of snapshots of the model, videos following a certain route and publications of the model in the cloud so that the client can view it in full from a browser.

Infraworks potential

Creation of precise and detailed conceptual designs.
Infraworks allows the conceptual design of roads, roundabouts, intersections, railway lines, drainage networks, bridges, tunnels, buildings and urban furniture. The user will be able to quickly evaluate and iterate design options to determine the feasibility of the project.

Design in a realistic environment

With Infraworks the user can add information from different sources to configure the topography, generate the natural terrain model and add earthworks, constructions or other civil engineering works. With this you can define a construction alternative on a realistic environment.

Analysis and simulation.

Infraworks offers powerful analysis and simulation tools, which allow adding indicators to decision making. For example, line of sight analysis or suitability mapping.
Agile and attractive communication with all agents.
With Infraworks you can obtain photorealistic and immersive visual experiences of the designs, improving the understanding of the impact of the project by the rest of the agents.


Download our Keygen for Autodesk Infraworks 2022


Download infraworks-v1.3.5xf-win
(Windows 10 Version)
Zip pass:


We believe that sharing softwares is something great and needed, but please never forget to support his creators. If you can afford the product PLEASE BUY IT =)

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Note: You can see all our other Corel VideoStudio cracks and keygens listed here.

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