DaVinci Resolve Studio 18 2023 Keygen Crack [MacOS & Win]

Hello friends, great news! Here we bring you the latest version of our Acrobat DC 2023 crack patch created by the people at CODEXCPY, CODE and our friends of XFORCE.

This crack works with their respective trial version. If you find any problems, please leave us a comment with your Windows or MacOS version.

This version is a simplified version of PainteR group’s “universal patcher” but much easier to install.

It is very simple to install: just follow the steps of the installer and finally mount the .iso image and run setup.exe as shown in the video tutorial. It only has an advertisement, if you want to avoid advertising you can register in the forum and download and install it from there. Any questions can be asked in the forum directly to its authors. Thank you for your continued support!



Download our DavResolve2023v1.1.2xf crack-patch
Release Date: 2/5/2023*Updated* (Latest Windows version)
Zip pass: xforce-cracks.com


Download keygen-core DavResolve2023v1.1.2xfmac for macos
Release Date: 2/5/2023*Updated* (Latest macOS version)
Zip pass: xforce-cracks.com


DaVinci Resolve Studio 18 2023, Keygen & Full installer
Installer Version: CodexCPYv1.1.2
Keygen Version: v1.1.5
Release Date: 2/5/2022
Compatible with:
Windows 10 or later
macOS 11 Big Sur or later
net framework 4.5 needed
Cracked by codexcpy.com & xforce-cacks.com
Clarification: If you came here to download the Keygen/Software, please ignore the rest of the article.


DaVinci Resolve Studio is the world’s only solution that combines editing, color correction, visual effects, and audio post production all in a single application. This makes it an incredibly powerful tool for video editors and colorists alike.

The new version 18 fixes numerous errors when editing video on both Windows 10 and MacOS Catalina. This makes it an even more reliable tool for your video editing needs.

If you’re looking for a professional video editing tool that can do it all, then Resolve Studio is the right choice for you.

Intuitive Cut Page

One of the best things about DaVinci Resolve 18 is the revolutionary new cut page. The Resolve Studio version of the software has an intuitive interface that is optimized for editing. The Cut page in DaVinci Resolve is particularly suitable for creating a rough cut because it is easy to use and has a variety of tools that make editing a breeze.

The new Speed Editor is a great little control surface for only $300. It is designed to work primarily with the Cut Page, but it will also work in the Edit Page and other Resolve pages.

Fairlight Audio Core

Today we’re going to talk about the Fairlight audio core module within DaVinci Resolve. This powerful module provides a full digital audio workstation with true immersive 3D audio support, elastic wave alignment, and incredible new features. With its elegant, modern interface, Fairlight is fast to learn and easy enough for new users, yet powerful for professionals. Let’s take a closer look at what this module has to offer.

Color Page

The color page in Resolve is a powerful tool that can be used to manipulate color in creative and artistic ways. This can dramatically affect the mood of a project. In this course, we will explore everything you need to know about the color page.

ResolveFX and OpenFX Plugins

OpenFX and ResolveFX are video editing plugins created by Blackmagic Design. They are available in DaVinci, and help improve the quality of your videos, speed up your workflow, and make it easier to create stunning video effects.

HDR Grading

HDR grading is one of the most advanced tools available. With it, you can grade the latest wide color gamut and high dynamic range (HDR) images with ease.

In order to take advantage of HDR grading, you’ll need to make sure that your system is configured correctly. First, go to the DaVinci Resolve Preferences -> System -> General and enable “Use 10-bit precision in viewers if available” and “Use Mac Display Color Management.” Next, you’ll need to connect your HDR display to your computer using an HDMI 2.0 cable.

Once your system is properly configured, you can begin grading your HDR images. The first thing you’ll need to do is set up your project settings. To do this, go to the Project Settings -> Color Space tab and select “Rec. 2020”.

Support for CDLs and ACES

We are pleased to announce the release of DaVinci. This new version features support for CDLs and ACES as well as a number of other improvements and bug fixes.

Keyboard Customization

As a video editor, one of the most important things for me is to be able to customize my workspace to fit my needs. I often find myself jumping between different software programs, and each one has its own quirks and interface. So when I found out that DaVinci Resolve 18 now has the ability to save custom workspaces, I was thrilled!

The process is actually quite simple. Once you have your workspace set up the way you want it, just go to the Workspace drop-down menu and select Save Workspace As… Give your workspace a name and hit Save. Now whenever you want to load that workspace, just go to the Workspace drop-down menu and select it from the list.

One thing to keep in mind is that this feature only exists in Resolve 18.0.4 or later.


I am constantly amazed at the pace of development of DaVinci Resolve. Blackmagic’s commitment to continually updating and rethinking this software is really impressive. The most recent version is DaVinci Resolve 18 which brings a number of new features and improvements.

If you’ve been following the news, you may have heard that Blackmagic has renamed the ‘DaVinci Resolve Lite’ version to ‘DaVinci Resolve’. This change reflects the fact that DaVinci Resolve is now a complete video editor, with all the features you would expect from a professional tool.

Just installed this update. Almost every timeline I render crashes, while everything rendered without problems in previous versions. I’m on Windows 10 Pro with Resolve 17.4.3 Build 10 Studio Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750 2.20GHz, 32.0 GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070M.

We believe that cracking and sharing softwares is something great and needed, but please never forget to support his creators. If you can afford the product PLEASE buy it =)

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