Character Generator Keygen Crack for Maya and 3ds Max [Win & macOS]

Hello friends! Great news!! Our friend tony, our genius in autodesk has finished his Keygen for Autodesk Character Generator.

This crack is ONLY for Windows (64bits) and works with his trial version. If you find any problems, please leave us a comment with your Windows version.

Software description: Character Generator
System Requirements


Download CharGen-v1.4.4xf-WIN
(Latest Windows version)
Zip pass: or


Download CharGen-v1.4.4xf-macOS
(Latest macOS version)
Zip pass: or


Autodesk Character Generator Keygen
Version of Keygen: v1.4.4
Release Date: 6/18/2021
Compatible with:
Win 7 – Win 8 – Win 10 – macOS
net framework 4.5 needed
Cracked by


Both for educational projects, as commercials for video games, television or architectural visualization; Autodesk Character Generator is accessible from Autodesk products and compatible with Maya, Maya LT, 3ds Max or video game editors such as Unity. With a wide selection of predefined characters that can be combined and edited.

The new characters and their modifications can be saved in the library for future use. Ready for animation, with support for bones and blend-shape. Exportable in FBX or Maya formats.

Available as a free service, but also with a premium version with access to artistic styles, the possibility of generating medium or high quality models, and support for facial expressions.

It is a FREE subscription 3D cloud character generator, which has a more complete paid version.

Autodesk Character Generator keygen
Autodesk Character Generator keygen

3D characters can be created, adapting all kinds of parameters, adding them, clothes, hair, even rigging, compatible with 3DS Max and Maya.

The free version allows you to download them in Low including rigging, and the paid version in Medium and High as well as being able to incorporate facial expressions.

This is a free service for subscribers of: Entertainment Creation Suite (all editions), Maya, 3ds Max, Softimage, Motion Builder, Mudbox, Maya LT, or student or teaching licenses.

In case you haven’t tried it, Autodesk’s new product released this year called Character Generator is interesting enough to pass up.

If you have the need to create many characters, for example, you have a scene in a city and you need to have “extras” in your short film or commercial, this application is the best option. You can use it for free although it is obvious that it will not have all the capabilities such as downloading the models in high resolution.

The way it works is quite simple, you simply enter or, failing that, open an Autodesk account, and as soon as you enter the application in the cloud, different avatars of pre-made characters will appear on the screen, but where their power is centered is in the customization capacity since you can make combinations between different characters and different attributes; for example the mouth of character X with the eyes of character Y and adjust the values ​​with a bar and actually create a totally different character.

Character Generator
Character Generator

Once we have finished our model we can download it to our computer and immediately use it in our projects using any application from the Autodesk suite such as Maya or 3ds Max or Mudbox to continue customizing it and obviously animate it. Also another utility is to make different versions and of course use them to create blendshapes to generate different facial expressions.

The best thing about this character generator is that they come completely rigid so they are ready to be animated, so you can’t stop checking this excellent option.


Download our Keygen for Character Generator


Download CharGen-v1.4.4xf-WIN
(Latest Windows version)
Zip pass: or


Download CharGen-v1.4.4xf-macOS
(Latest macOS version)
Zip pass: or


We believe that sharing softwares is something great and needed, but please never forget to support his creators. If you can afford the product PLEASE BUY IT =)

*—————–* !!!!!  Accept no imitation / X-FORCE * * We are the world #1 !!!!!  *——————*
Note: You can see all our other Corel VideoStudio cracks and keygens listed here.

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