Our friend tony, our genius in autodesk has finished his crack for V-Ray 3.0 in Maya 2014. While he is testing the crack in other systems isn’t tested in every sistem, so we’ll be very grateful to receive your feedback.
This crack is ONLY for Windows and works with his trial version. If you find any problems, please leave us a comment with your Windows version and your Maya version.
V-Ray 3.0 is a comprehensive physically-based lighting, shading, and rendering toolkit built to meet the creative demands of CG artists and designers.
Download VRayMayav201v64b
(Latest 64b Version)
Zip pass: www.xforce-cracks.com or xforce-cracks.com
IMPORTANT NOTE: This crack works with 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Maya 2014 and 2013. If you have a licence of Maya, please don’t use this crack for vray.

V-Ray for Maya (64bit), Crack & Keygen
Version of Keygen: v2.0.1(64b)
Release Date: 2/11/2014
Compatible with:
Windows XP(64b), Windows Vista(64b), Windows 7(64b), Windows 8(64b)
net framework 4.5 needed
Cracked by xForceCracks.com
Featured features of V-Ray 3.0
Now there are many improvements of the previous VRay version, like:
- Vray Rt with SSS (SSS finally through the Gpu).
- Renders hair between 10 and 15 times faster.
- Skin Shader (directly) with more intuitive parameters that SSS.
- Support Alembic geometry.
- Support OpenExr2 (High bit depth per pixel + stereoscopic composition layers).
- Viz maps support ( material definitions to move materials between “Vrays for different applications”). That is, the materials may be exported Vray for Max to Vray for Maya or Vray for Rhino, etc … or vice versa.
- Support for OSL (Open Shading Languange) to write our own material, more intuitive than iRay of Nvidia offers.
Performance Enhancements
There are two fundamental aspects in regard to performance:
1) The “Embree Ray Caster“:
A language that communicates directly with the kernels that are as interpreters commands for CPU and memory management. This direct communication allows an improvement of up to 40% in render times. Although currently it is an improvement for only geometry (editable poly) is targeted to be improved later for dynamic effects such as hair, vray displacement and other dynamic objects.
2) The “progressive path tracing” method:
While this was provided in version 2.4 required a special armed render engines. Now it is an option that promises to be an accelerator of the way up. It is that in conventional methods, we are used to see the famous “squares” processing areas of render (officially called buckets). As the “progressive scan” allows you to render the entire scene and plunge gradually improving over time. This method allows us to see all the render and choose when quality is sufficient.
In addition, improved rendering equation in hair and materials, and has planned the creation of a new material to generate skin.
VRay Light Cone, create a similar light Target / Spot Free 3D Max to change the values of the light to simulate countless lights, this would be covered with VRay IES but having to seek or have the .Ies file (photometric) of the desired shape.
VRay VRay Sun + Sky + Clouds, the complete solar lighting system VRay miss missing you have the ability to add cloud automatically , choosing either 4 or 5 types of clouds are very common in good funds scenario, such as “Cirrus” , “Layers”, “clusters”, “Nimbus” , etc … can be simulated with VRay Fog Enviroment , but is neither simple nor reflect 100% reality. So, besides having a sun and a sky that react to their position by varying the intensity, color, etc. Would clouds and their shadows on our scene.
VRay Moon, although there are numerous ways to generate a nocturnal environment, an atmosphere, an HDRI a VRay Sun off or very dim and low on the horizon, a Direct Target 3D Max with appropriate intensity and color, etc. you are missing the existence of a moon as such, and with the possibility of being in different phases, crescent, half , full or new as well as coexistence with clouds and a night Sky VRay to generate such an environment.
VRay Light (with Double side “ON”), as many of you know when you activate the double-sided option to PLANE VRay light, we only see an arrow of where emanates light, but not a double arrow to serve as a warning to remind said light enabled this option would be useful.
VRay Light Plane + Target, this has been resolved in version 2.4 and already have “Target” (Target) flat VRay lights.
VRay IES Light (Target), we do believe when it comes elevational forced to drag the creation of light + the target, then we can remove it, but it would be nice if you could “un-click” from the beginning and place them on the ground as Standard Maya and so keep lighting up and then upload them to their final position.
VRay Light MESH, when we create a MESH light on a two-dimensional object (circle, star or shape you are, there is no indicator – arrow) to indicate in which direction the light emanates. There is a box for “Flip normals” that reverses direction as it is not required, though if there posts and the indicator arrow, it would be necessary to do a test to see which direction the light emanates.
VRay Physical Cam + Shift + Vertical Clipping Planes: those who have used this tool to make a photo from outside of the room, you may have noticed that the perspective correction applying Vertical Shift does NOT work with Clipping Planes, with you have to be objective and camera at the same height to prevent unwanted leakage of cut areas (partitions, walls).
Cam + VRay Physical Ortographic Projection: those coming from previous versions of Maya and therefore were using the Maya Standard Camera know a checkbox that activates the possibility of orthographic views (no leaks), of any view. It can be solved with a script that is here on the blog, but with a simple box would be solved within the camera controls.
VRay Fire: when my students ask me how to simulate fire, the alternatives are several but no VRay module inside can to simulate this effect, as if it occurs in 3D Max. Can be simulated via VRay Mtl Light with different colored spheres that give the environment and as a “touch” in Photoshop to improve the final effect. Still think it would be cool to tell a specific module with simple minimal as type, height, etc. because of the flames and no smoke!
VRay Volume Light: would be nice if there was a similar effect to 3D Max Volume Light generating that volume light cone, lamp or similar effect easily. It can be undertaken with VRay Fog Enviroment but is somewhat cumbersome and complex for non- expert users and it would be helpful to architects and interior designers.
Minimum requirements
- A SSE2- capable processor (Intel Pentium IV or later);
- 2 GB RAM minimum;
- A supported operating system:
- Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional (SP2 or higher), 32-bit or 64-bit versions;
- Microsoft® Windows Vista® Business (SP1 or higher), 32-bit or 64-bit versions;
- Microsoft® Windows 7® 32-bit or 64-bit;
- Microsoft® Windows 8® 32-bit or 64-bit;
- Fedora™ or compatible distributions;
- Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 5.3 WS (64-bit);
- Apple® Mac OS® X 10.4.9 or higher for CPU rendering (V-Ray 1.5 for Maya);
- Apple® Mac OS® X 10.6.5 or higher for CPU and GPU rendering (V-Ray 2.0 for Maya)
Supported platforms
- Maya 2014 (32- or 64-bit);
- Maya 2013 (32- or 64-bit);
- Maya 2012 (32- or 64-bit);
- Maya 2011 (32- or 64-bit);
- Maya 2010 (32- or 64-bit);
- Maya 2009 (32- or 64-bit);
- Maya 2008 (32- or 64-bit);
Download our V-Ray 3.0 crack for Maya
Download VRayMayav201v64b
(Latest 64b Version)
Zip pass: www.xforce-cracks.com or xforce-cracks.com
Download VRayMayav211v32b
(32bit Version)
Zip pass: www.xforce-cracks.com or xforce-cracks.com
We believe that sharing softwares is something great and needed, but please never forget to support his creators. If you can afford the product PLEASE BUY IT =)