We just finished our crack for Autodesk Inventor Professional 2014, another great work of Tony, our genius in cracking autodesk softwares.
This crack is ONLY for Windows and works with all trial versions. If you find any problems, please leave us a comment with your Windows version.
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Download Inventor2014cv105 (Latest Version)
Zip pass: www.xforce-cracks.com or xforce-cracks.com

Autodesk Inventor 2014, Crack & Keygen
Version of Keygen: v1.0.5
Release Date: 2/10/2014
Compatible with:
Windows 7 (64bits) & Windows 8 (64bits)
net framework 4.5 needed
Cracked by xForceCracks.com
I like to talk about the simulation capabilities that comprise Autodesk Inventor Professional for embedded for CAD users have obtained an approximate result indicating their behavior on their part or product certain conditions.
The intention is to talk about things that Inventor is taking to perform the simulation and also what we are saying to us as a result users provided by the software.
Then I make a list of what is assumed in the simulation:
- Friction and stress are linearly proportional to the load.
- The behavior of the material used will always be linear. That is, although the stress in the part exceeding the elastic limit, the performance of the material will remain linear.
- The load applied is completely static and slowly apply the load vector will always have the same direction and magnitude, and no shock effects are considered.
- Most materials change their behavior when applied temperature. For a linear static analysis that make most CAD packages, the temperature does not enter into consideration.
- Effects are not considered buckling.
These are considerations that should be taken into account when the stress analysis in Autodesk Inventor is done and this is where users must analyze whether these assumptions affect greatly to their simulations, if the user believes that invalidate his analysis completely then it would a better idea to consider using a more complete simulation package such as Autodesk simulation Mechanical. Anyway to use the simulation in the CAD is to locate areas where the stress is high and that the user should be based on a safety factor that talk about that later.
Minimum requirements (more info)
For general part and assembly design (typically fewer than 1,000 parts):
- Windows 7 (32-bit minimum, 64-bit recommended) or Windows 8 64-bit operating system
- Intel Pentium 4, AMD Athlon 64 with SSE2 technology, 3 GHz or greater, or AMD dual-core processor with SSE2, 2 GHz or greater recommended, or Intel Xeon E3 or Core i7 or equivalent with SSE2, 3.0 GHz or greater
- 4 GB RAM minimum for less than 500 part assemblies (8 GB recommended)
- 15 GB free disk space for installation
- 1,280 x 1,024 or higher screen resolution
- Microsoft Direct3D 9 or compatible graphics card (Microsoft® Direct3D 11 or higher recommended)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later (.NET Framework Version 4.5 web browser)
- Microsoft Excel 2003 or later software for iFeatures, iParts, iAssemblies, thread customization, and spreadsheet-driven designs
- Adobe Flash Player 10
For complex models, complex mold assemblies, and large assemblies (typically more than 1,000 Parts):
- 64-bit Windows 7 or Windows 8
- Xeon E3 or Core i7 or equivalent, 3.3 GHz or greater
- 16 GB RAM or greater
- 15 GB free disk space for installation
- 1,280 x 1,024 or higher screen resolution
- Direct3D 9 or compatible graphics card (Direct3D 11 or higher recommended)
- Internet Explorer 6 or later (.NET Framework Version 4.5 web browser)
- Excel 2003 or later for iFeatures, iParts, iAssemblies, thread customization, and spreadsheet-driven designs
- Flash Player 10
What’s New in Inventor 2014
New features overview
Autodesk Inventor 2014, Crack & Keygen
Version of Keygen: v1.0.5
Release Date: 2/10/2014
Compatible with:
Windows 7 (64bits) & Windows 8 (64bits)
net framework 4.5 needed
Cracked by xForceCracks.com
Download Inventor 2014 Crack
Download Inventor2014cv105 (Latest Version)
Zip pass: www.xforce-cracks.com or xforce-cracks.com
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